Governing Council Member

Lenaya Montoya
Governing Board Member
Lenaya Montoya
Lenaya Montoya currently serves as the Associate Director of Government Relations at the University of New Mexico, where her primary focus is on state government relations. Prior to starting with the University of New Mexico’s Office of Government and Community Relations, Ms. Montoya served as a staff attorney for the New Mexico Legislative Council Service for five and a half years where she drafted legislation relating to education (early education through post-secondary education), Native American affairs, childrens’ affairs, and behavioral health. Ms. Montoya is a proud thirteenth generation New Mexican who grew up in the small rural community of Magdalena, New Mexico before moving and settling to Albuquerque, NM to pursue her higher education. Ms. Montoya received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Spanish with a concentration in basics in addictions counseling from the University of New Mexico. During her undergraduate education, Ms. Montoya completed a five-hundred-hour clinical internship with the Endorphin Power Company, a transitional living facility in Albuquerque, NM. It was at the Endorphin Power Company where Ms. Montoya was inspired to go to law school to help change state laws to improve the lives of those battling addiction and homelessness. Ms. Montoya received her Juris Doctor from the University of New Mexico School of Law and is a fully licensed and practicing attorney in the state of New Mexico. Ms. Montoya has a passion for legislative work and education and is a proud member of the Health Leadership High School Governing Council.